Thursday, July 9, 2015

QOTD: quotes of the day, morning perspective is coming soon!

Sometimes the best memories are sad because you know they will never happen again.

#quotesandsayings #memories #quoteoftheday   

Random thoughts and ideas.

Men: do you find women who cuss/use filthy language to be sexy?

 it depends on the situation wouldn't it? However, if she cussed like very frequently after like every other word then no I do not find that to be sexy at all. However, what if she and u are in the bedroom and are doing your thing with her and you both are enjoying it point blankly? Then I would find that to be sexy as hell, and wouldn't be bothered one iota by how much or when she cussed altogether. I guess what I mean here, is that it depends on the context of the situation because I was not made black or white. I just like to look at all the facts and give everybody a chance because I do know we would want somebody to do that for us if some kind of judgment were placed on us or whatever. This is only my opinion though.  

 teens should remember this always because u will not be teens forever, so appreciate, love, cherish and respect your dad now and even more when ur fully grown and trying to make a life of your own.

Morning Edition: POKEDEX!

wildly, scream: "YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH BADGES TO TRAIN ME!" and run out of the room.

 this is your daily reminder that you can not fix people. "this is your daily reminder that you can not fix people." - 7/9/2015. I'm not sure if this should be the #qotd just yet because it is way too early to be deciding that sort of stuff right now. I can barely keep my eyes open, I have a stomach ache, but at least I am not mad at anyone. I just need to wake up, which is why right now I just am drifting to myself but when I wake up people usually can tell. But right now, I am half dead, tbh though

wildly, scream: "YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH BADGES TO TRAIN ME!" and run out of the room.

charizard = Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y.

 As Mega Charizard X, its body and legs appear more physically fit, though its arms remain thin.

 Mega Charizard X breathes blue flames out the sides of its mouth, and the flame on its tail now burns blue with increased heat.

 Charizard is a draconic, bipedal Pokémon.

 When Mega Evolved as Mega Charizard Y, this Pokémon becomes more sleek and expansive in appearance, but retains its normal coloration. However, it now has white pupils.

  Mega Charizard Y is said to have incredible flying prowess, being able to reach incredible heights.

 This Pokémon flies in search of powerful opponents to battle, and its fire will burn hotter as it gains experience. 

 Its fiery breath is capable of melting boulders, massive glaciers, and has been known to accidentally cause forest fires. 

 Charizard typically inhabit mountains and valleys

The anime has shown that only a weak Charizard would show off its power, and that a group of Charizard resides in the Charicific Valley in Johto



Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Then the freaking chick is LONG-WINDED too! No! It is not a lover either! Fuck no! I just choose not to divulge who she is, but it is not the one on here cause when I start to speak about her this person I am venting about seriously doesn't sound like the on on here at all. Plus I am serious this person I am talking about is a theist like I am, but maybe she gets too heavily into tarot and reiki... but holy shit do not tell her I said that otherwise she will never shut the fuck up! And WHY THE HELL DID I EVEN TELL HER ABOUT REIKI IN THE FIRST PLACE ANYWAY?!

Then she has to like drink her wine and cider ... and yes, she does know how to drink cause I have never seen the chick drunk EVER! i don't know how she does it, but if she has been drunk I jut have never seen it! Anyway, when she gets her like flipping drink inside of her she tends to talk EVEN MORE than what she do when she is just sober!!!!!!!!!! Not only that she has to like SERIOUSLY be on top of EVERY ONE in the room and shit. She can tend to be TOO damn forward when she is idk what the fuck it is- "tipsy" a little?!!

She has WORSE than two faces though which is what the fuck I cannot understand though! I mean, I do not consider her to be no fucking friend of mine anymore! My mom needs to fucking stop bothering me with her bitch ass! I told my mom that she was fake and basically acted like I was not there. Then my mom took her fucking side! But see I really do not want to go ther

Because just like my parents UNLESS WE CAN SEE IT FOR OUR EYES and this is after I told them about her damn ass! Cause she been doing this shit to other people too! I had wondered why not many people were around her, now I know why!

Seriously, I think she has slept with every guy on the staff though. I think she does it cause she is unhappy in her marriage right now. Then  and it's also because like .. and well she didn't say this like she happens to be able to freely just say everything else though, but, I think she is unhappy in her marriage cause he does not touch her or something. She is like a wild cannon though.

She uses people. And since in therapy I have been learning to just use my words instead of bottling it up inside when shit makes me feel uncomfortable or whatever. My only prob. is me being a damn empath because seriously I do care about other people's feelings too much and to a point I will try to be what they want me to be so they can be happy. I try not to let them see how it feels inside because I did it to myself, BUT my therapist told me not to be too hard on myself because it is like a "survival mechanism" or something she had said.

You won't believeme, but some of the assholes who have been fucking me up I just like only said one sentence to the jerks and half left me alone and the other half want to send me shit in a disrespectful manner. Lol.. well that shit is not going to work, and their asses better be glad that it is late at night right now cause otherwise I'd be on that damn phone with their supervisor right now instead of tomorrow!

And I am serious!
This one chick a few months back thought she was going to get over on me cause she see me there, and oh surely I must be this poor black child now lol who just needs help with everything and I was being nice to her and I gave her so many breaks even though she completely was not even fulfilling her job requirements. Just break after break. Oh shit, but then I said  No to her and then she said some like crazy ass shit though lol. Okay, and all I fucking did was just fill in a letter and that was it.

OMG though but do u know in under 24 hours of filing the letter in though man she was like balling on the phone talking about everything about her boss and shit, but I was not the one who said shit at her damn boss or anything! How could I WHEN i DIDN'T even know the place of where she was employed? cause she was a contractor and ran her own office and worked her own hours, so there was no way I would have known that information .

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Post- Apocalyptic playstation blog

1. Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches on PS3 by PlayStation.Blog on Flickr
2.  Dishonored on
3. Dishonored Concept Art  //


Aircraft maneuvers during an airpower demonstration. by Official U.S. Navy Imagery on Flickr

A German twin propelled Messerschmitt BF 110 bomber, nicknamed "Fliegender Haifisch" (Flying Shark), over the English Channel, in August of 1940. (AP Photo)

 Jeep dump on the island of Okinawa, Japan. - These photos were taken on November 11, 1949 by Carl Mydans, on assignment for Life Magazine. 

 Jeep dump on the island of Okinawa, Japan. - These photos were taken on November 11, 1949 by Carl Mydans, on assignment for Life Magazine. 

 jeep-cemetary-Okinawa-1949 via.

Jeep iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6 Plus or Galaxy s3 s4 s5 s6 s6 edge Back Case…
In Stock • $9 on 

Upcycled Vintage Jeep Grill Lighted Wall Decor - Out of stock • $320 on - Love this! 

RESERVED for PATTI / Upcycled Vintage Jeep Grill Lighted Wall Decor 


Vintage Car Art, Jeep Picture, Jeep Photography, Vintage Jeep Willys, Rust…
In Stock • $30 - Retro Decor WWII Jeep Willy Picture Car
 by LisaRussoFineArt

 Old Ford Pickup


A black Ambassador taxi in Darjeeling, India. Image by Antony Giblin / Lonely Planet Images / Getty Images. 

 '55 Chevy

 Porsche 911:

 1234 mmhmm.. #I'M A CLASSIC MAN

 woah! OH WOW.. #CLASSICCARS 38-77 mmmhmm (look like a closeup too now)

 badassery!!! car #classicman #classiccars

#justwow #classiccars cool!

Monday, July 6, 2015


1. Ethnessa - NPC Town | Large Map | Unexplored | - Survival ...   
2. Terraria Propaganda - Talk nerdy to me!
3. Terraria on      
4. Terraria: //       
                          GOOD MORNING, MY PEOPLE!!   

designstein | Design… Defined. designeinstien.wo... screens from their phones, computers, gadgets, and televisions. This field is specific to websites, applications, widgets, social networking, videos, blogs, games or anything else the audience can interact with on a screen. 

 this is not true of me, but I think I kind of get what u mean here.. cause it is like u have the same mind, body, and heart, intellect and even interests too. But then when u open up and tell people that u have a mental disorder then people want to act either like they do not know u, or that you are either crazy and insane anyway. People will not believe anything you say either as soon as you bring up that you take medications for ur moods, anxiety, OCD, and for depression because then that will always be the focus of the conversation that u will have with most people u "come out" to about it. You will meet maybe the small percentage like that maybe 2 to 7% of the people that you expose urself to, that will hear you out completely, will not laugh at you or look at u with weird/slinted eyes, they won't call you confusing like all the others cause after all the others are still stuck on you being so confusing and if you are taking your medication in the correct manner then, they'll embrace your idiosyncracies - yes, all of them- and they won't be always trying to change your shit even as you will feel open with them you'll be repeating what the others had said about you, but they won't be annoyingly holding your hand like your a fucking damn retard telling you about bullies being mean, the world is a cruel place, forget what others say cause they are only words and words can't hurt u now, etc. or none of that fucking shit! lol.. ugh! I hate it when people feel sorry for me! lol, they won't feel sorry for you either and you'll appreciate it too the way that I fucking do! You won't have to repeat your shit over and over again either because they will "hear you." There will be no selective hearing either and trust, and believe.. they'll be the ones who do not need you to guide them to understand and learn your ways as if you are like some kind of freak or something! Also, out of this small percentage, some will be friends, remain close allies/close acquaintances (and I mean, very close), these are your mentors, your lovers, your very close friends, your everything. These are people you can trust because they will give you personal shit of theirs back to ya. And they will tell ya "If I get so bad ass... here is this information about my saintly righteous ass... you can shut my ass down with this bit of information here.. cause, I've got my own shit with me. I ain't no damn person either. I've done loads of shit, and other people have fucked me and vice versa. So no, I'm not going to judge or laugh at you for something you or no one had asked for. I got to think about, what if this happened to me now!" this is not true of me, but I think I kind of get what u mean here.. cause it is like u have the same mind, body, and heart, intellect and even interests too. But then when u open up and tell people that u have a mental disorder then people want to act either like they do not know u, or that you are either crazy and insane anyway. People will not believe anything you say either as soon as you bring up that you take medications for moods, anxiety, OCD, and for depression because that will be like the only thing they will see when they look at you because that will be the only thing in the back of their minds! Ugh!

But then when you expose who you are to the other 180% because I fucking suck at math for right now and right now I don't give a good fuck, but I tell you what lol, once those numbers are put on like a credit card statement, or on my invoice statement, or if I am purchasing items no matter the cost, or renting out items/leasing out items (which I am actually doing right now - thankfully, I am able to pay off at least over half of the interest otherwise I will be paying them until I am 80! lol), or when people owe me money cause I gave it out on credit (I've done it countless times, and yeah.. lol)-I may be fucking messy or whatever, but I know my shit, and I write down my shit too. I do it to the penny. I also know how to read everything too. But this other fucking shit, I don't know what the hell that trig shit is, oh but also, I am a damn algebra fucking genuis and a damn geometry scholar.. lol, okay maybe not a genius or a scholar, but in terms of that "intelligent mathematics" algebra is seriously one of my major strong points, but I need to work a lot on my geometry skills... 

music monday :

 because my phone is blowing up... i have things on it... ok? gimme a sec. 1 sec. u do not talk to me anymore though.. just saying. u do not fool with me no more, and idk other peopl do rn is all. ok 1 more sec i swear.. ok      

Is this the best book dedication?

"Aren't you done with that?" "Just go eat a sandwich/cheeseburger" "Aren't you a little old to be anorexic/bulimic?" "Why don't you just quit that?" Urgh!!
        I think what had happened was is that I just turned this quote and I basically just had made it for me. I mean I made the quote mine and just conceptualized and formulated it to address so much more than just a mere ya know, ‘love relationship-in the long and/or short-term.’ I took it to mean for any type of relationship or friendship that begin and end in just life itself because irl these things do tend to happen and even especially when we have no control over when they do happen to us either. I mean the novel has some other great lines and sayings and quotes because as well all know it is well-written, but and also the movie was great too. I am just glad also too that summer reading lists contain this book on my required reading lists because it is some really great American literature that can teach people and kids about life.  

Brandon Hoover- Crown The Empire

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Akane Tsunemori

Itachi quote 

 Something broke. So sorry. Really sorry. Oh no. Try again?


 25 Series to Read if you LOVE the Hunger Games!
 Edward Elric
 Chapter 108 of Fullmetal Alchemist and episode 65 of the Brotherhood proposal type...whatever that was....ever! XD
 Akame Ga Feels (Akame ga kill original title)

 it has no end
 Minecraft Birthday

Everybody was diamond mining

got to do this...someday

Let's Go!


Lake Retba in France. 


Clearest lake ever… 


 Places to go 

 St. Lucia, Caribbean 

 From Paris With Love - Gal Meets Glam 


Wild flowers..

Sketch in London -  

 A garden is just not complete without birds, butterflies, and ladybugs…right? I’m sure you already know the wonderful flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.


North Shore

Afternoon Tea Aiken House & Gardens

  This is the web page you are looking for. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Much time has passed.


Genie in a file box

Genie in a file box 

 Gravity Interior

 When you meet the other half of your soul, you will understand why all the other lovers let you go. When you meet the one who deserves your heart, you’ll understand why things didn’t work out with everyone else. 


Your Soulmate is not someone that comes into your life peacefully. It is who come to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealized, but an ordinary person, who manages to revolutionize your world in second...

Soul mates.

We always can learn something from other person

 Wolf-39 by Dan Newcomb Photography on Flickr

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

fresh air right off the press h3r3!!

COOKIE CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pearl Cosplay

steven+universe+fusions | Steven Universe -Opal and Sugilite lol---

Steven Universe 


Rose Quartz by asieybarbie on

Anime Expo 2014QuickSilver (gender-bent) 

Here and Now: 7/1/2015 Happy Hump Day, My People!!

 1.) I've been having this dream that we could fly. -Pierce the Veil lyrics 

2.) how to disappear completely 💜 Radiohead.

3.)Smashing Pumpkins “1979″ is only one of my favorite songs ever!

4.)Pierce The Veil lyrics - these are lyrics by them, but okay they basically tell like everything in my head, everything that I have shouted out to her, even everything she had said to me is on there lol. Yes, this one is a bit close to home here. I shall have to revisit this wonderful masterwork in a bit here. omg, wow! Someone understands me now! She will probably actually understand me now! wow, miracles REALLY do happen, huh? hehe XD 7/1/15. 

 “SING” by My Chemical Romance 

5.  My Chemical Romance Decorative Poster.A wonderful way to remember to stay positive. is "LOOK ALIVE SUNSHINE!" #KILLJOYSONLY 7/1/15 #MCR #duhok 

6. Fleetwood Mac.  Takes to the sky like a bird in flight And who will be her lover?  All your life you've never seen a woman Taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? - well, SHE would never believe me BUT, as a younger kid I listened a lot to my mom and dad's stuff and my parents were not the typical parents and they listened to a lot of stuff but I mean even the kids who were around me listened to whatever, but Fleetwod Mac and CHEAPTRICK were favs. and so was Janis Joplin a little bit too 7/1/15

Monday, June 29, 2015

Loading The World: amwriting non-logically for morning paper/page today = 6/29/15

You do not become heartless and courageous at the same time. Courage and bravery are for those with strong tender and loving hearts not for cowards that are afraid to care for the well being of others. Don't become like them because of them. " It's not the load that breaks you down,it's the way you carry it."

J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator is a treasure trove in its entirety. Complement it with Tolkien on fairy tales, the psychology of fantasy, and why there’s no such thing as writing “for children.”
BarRISTA references from

  1. Anand, Shitka (10 November 2011). "How to make perfect coffee: Sydney's best baristas reveal their secrets". CNN. Retrieved 10 June 2015.

  2. Wendelboe, Tim (May 1, 2005) The Future of the World Barista Championship. "" Retrieved on 2006-oct-25

  3. "World Barista Championship"

  4. There are two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein 
Digimon - 
Impmon –> Wizardmon –> Baalmon –> Beelzemon
              –> FlaWizardmon –> Mistymon –> Dynasmon
              –> Sorcermon –> Wisemon –> AncientWisemon

Custom 2x4 Disney Princess Canvas by SavannaRodriguez on Etsy ; wow- those colors though! Nice!

Jazz Pianist // Jazz piano's


Magic Origins - Planes and Islands

Creatures must be in front of lands, and nothing can be behind lands.
—  Card Layout in Video Coverage

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Don't think I'm not broken in this pretty little shell...

Don't think I'm not broken in this pretty little shell...

If you have a problem with me, call me. If you don’t have my number, then that means you don’t know me well enough to have a problem.

 “No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” Confucius         

MineCraft ideas

1. Could make this out of sandstone on soartex and man it look really awesome. source:

ON BEING: thevintageloser

1. chrishendersonart:  - Rainbow Serpent 2015 - on Tumblr.


         Plant life                                            

                                                                                                                                                    6/28/15.                                   by Photographie @ bloglovin

3.   indie messyhair vintage


Writing prompt of the hour: license plate
“It’s very worthwhile yet collectively and proportionately is the reason why we each have the responsibility to own the license plates that we own thus far. We therefore have been ultimately situated inasmuch as within the construction and inner confines in which (of being) in legal accordance with whatever our law dictates from us. “ - a free write from me.. 6/28/15

5.  Found on

Death Note:

7 Anime like Death Parade

Death Note:

The Story: When an eerie black notebook falls from the sky, a student named Yagami Light takes a curious look at it not knowing of the life-changing twist it’ll bring upon him. The notebook is known as the Death Note; whoever’s name is written on it shall die! With this grim power on his hand, Light takes on the persona of Kira to kill-off criminals and bring harsh justice to the world

6.  Found on <--another resource 

Dragonball 4 Star ball DBZ Dragon Ball Z Watch | Anime Goku DBZ | Accurate…

In Stock • $25

Dragon Ball Kame Turtle Symbol Sterling by SilverthinkJewelry, $29.99

 Dragon Ball ( #Nes ) #nintendo #bandai #dragonball #goku obv. look like it could be from atari, but this #retro as all hell but that the reason why I like it TF even more though! lol


Gadgets and Technology

1. Found on // Super funkeh! Proclaim Audioworks DMT10 Speakers

Five Ways to Use a Keurig

3.  on

Where Should You Post That Thing You Want to Share? 


Netflix, Nutella & Naps. I'm About That Life

In Stock • $25.99

6.  soft colours -     Angelic Pretty - Chocolate Sweet Lolita

#Angelic Pretty#chocolate
1,131 notes
L U C Y <-- the cat is on the jeep/van  that is obviously a Toyota (lol) license plates say VICTORIA but he is from MELBOURNE, so probably thinking he means Australia then too.

Harold is super happy that his gardening efforts are paying off.
#gardening #drawing #artistsoninstagram #fun #illustrator
 Freelance Illustrator & Animator from Australia. Regular contributor to Hallmark eCards & Comedy Central. Co-host for LoopdeLoop Adelaide. Registered Giphy artist <3</p>

Laughing Donkey by jaxxon on Flickr - "ga'head.. laugh it TF off!! I dare ya, I double dare ya, I triple dog dare ya!

I can't stop laughing! 

 For Sunday Funday, I had to post this up cause it is funny to me! lol
the is of course none other than our ridiculousness lol XD and well with of course too! That pup is adorable too! <3 6/28/15.

I wonder if any of you know the type of puppy and/or dog that he/she may be though?! 

 "I'm busy right now." 


Bring them some Cake!

1. Tyler..... I Cake You. You're awesome
2.  Even though we were all at the driving range, JD was unresponsive to our "that's what she said" jokes because he was busy Icaking with a new girl on his facebook Iphone app.
3.  This is a lie! Everything you have been told about the cake is a lie, do not listen.
 The Cake is a Lie
The Cake is a Lie
The Cake is a Lie
The Cake is a Lie
The Cake is a Lie
The Cake is a Lie 
4.  "Damn, Shameka gots cakes!"
A female with a large ass.
"Damn, Shameka gots cakes!" 
 Yo! Y-you better check yo self before you wreck yo self! ^_^ 

Psychological anime favs. of summer 2015

just sum of my fav. anime (well at least for right now)! That’s all!             
Good Morning Again, my people!1 6/28/15. 

1. No Game No Life 

 2. Zetsuen no Tempest 

 3. Code Geass

4.  Grisaia no Kajitsu 

5.  Death Parade 

6.  Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) 

7.  Psycho-Pass 

8.  Death Note 

9.  Monster 

10.  Ergo Proxy

Saturday, June 27, 2015

All things considered.6/27/15.weekend edition.

I'll see you in my dreams.
Don't hate.
Don't worry.
Do Sacrifice.
Be Humble.
Give more.
Expect Less.
Live Simply.

Kushandwizdom - 6/27/2015-

I used to complain so much, I try to look on positive side now to control my depression. Really does help.

"Something I've realized over time. Sad, but true. Life gets crazy busy, but it's the people who even if you don't talk to on a regular basis understand and don't hurt you out of spite" - unknown author.

                                                                                                                           Don't let the moment pass you by stalling for time or whatever.          

                       "You can keep knocking but wont' knock me down. No love lost. No love found" - Lil Wayne      6/27/15. #june2015        

Great way to motivate yourself to be #healthy and #fit. optimism is key.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Best friends 4ever!!! ^_^ - Imgur

Best friends 4ever!!! ^_^ - Imgur

"When your friend comes over to spend the night! "

Thas right, Go on:

Tag the friend (aka bestie) you ALWAYS beat at DBZ whilst inside of the Xenoverse!"

I double dare whoever sees this best friends day post (even if the shit is oldskool/retro by now-it don't matter!) lol..oh yee haw!!  Plus I even triple dare you to be my bestie at DBZ and I'll love you each dearly, but I will still beat dat ass! :)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

i have no idea where the hell to put this right now, so I'll put it here!

1. Go to hell, being laid back.
2. Your brain needs to find a transplant.
3. It's an emotional roller-coaster ride; this transition.
4. In a freaking fear of scientific norms revulsion is endless.
5. leaping; kicking guilty anxiety out of worry.
6. I just do not know what the hell she wanted.

The miserable have no other medicine / But only hope.  
strong hope is a much greater stimulant of life than any single realized joy could be. #NIETZSCHE 

Sheikh Zayed Road running through the heart of Dubai, UAE

Normandy, France.

Sometimes you never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory that you wish you could experience again.


School doesn't test your intelligence, it tests your memory.
garlic bread margherita pizza

Five Ingredient Supreme Pizza Poppers

milk rolls 

Flashback: Gram Parsons Dies in the Desert

Remembering the alt-country forebear, who died from an overdose on September 19, 1973

do you know la cathédrale saint Etienne a Metz ?

Saint Étienne de Metz at sunset.
The cathedral is nicknamed the Good Lord's Lantern (French: la Lanterne du Bon Dieu), displaying the largest expanse of stained glass in the world with 6,496 m2 (69,920 sq ft).
  • 1384 Creation of the stained glass tympanum of the west facade and the rose window by master glass maker Hermann von Münster
  • 1478–1483 Elevation of the spire[
  • curled around, entwined; 
  • wrapped around

conflict between heart and mind: cavernous oracles.

(just as clouds accumulate and hold water, so too can thought & emotion).

emotional stirrings.
conflict between heart and mind.
symbolic parallel

 Ergo, dreaming of skies, clouds and storms may be akin to “stormy thoughts” or emotionally-centered thinking.

an inability to make a decision or holding grudges 

unhealthy or unclear thoughts needing to be washed away from the psyche.

 Rain storms are symbolic of water, and water symbolism deals with cleansing and emotional stirrings. Lightning is symbolic of a stroke of genius, clarity, or epiphany. 

symbolic of action, power, and assertion.

 Native Peoples have established lightning as a “sign from the gods” in cosmic consciousness. Dreaming of thunder also holds the potential for messages from the divine.  

thunder rumbles through  my dreams

 it’s the Celtic god Taranis hammering at my heart – knocking down the layers I’ve built up around the soul – demanding entry so that my spirit may be emboldened by his presence.

 I propose Undines and Sylphs are not simply mythological creatures, but in fact, they are the personification of water and air (respectively).