Monday, May 25, 2015


He understood their 'difference' because he had already lived it. 

Encore Edition.
Isolated Thunderstorms.
Thunderstorms unlikely.
transforming fronts.
Endless War.
Powerful Story.
Always loyal. 

Wars Ending.
The single Things.
Fighting alongside.
Causalities of War. 

Extent of depression, night-mares, the shell-shock had existed after the world war 2. 

A break coming from seeing trauma at any time. It's normal that you should change, but if you don't that is when there is something very wrong there. 

Suicide bombing.
Lost someone.
Snuck In.

Images unable to be forgotten.

Two Sons.
Norman Rockwell family.

Combat Officer.
One Daughter.
Felt depression.
Stopped drugs.
Both sons played golf.
She finds her brother hanging. She thinks it's a prank but then realizes it's not.

One boy felt pressure to go into military even more so, but the pressure only came from him trying to hide his "depression" or "depressive thoughts" from the military, from his dad and even from his friends, and family. 

The medications would have been seen in his bloodstream and once they were he would be sent to the white jackets.

This would have embarrassed his father.
This is before finishing up his ROTC training but-just before he was to be in Active Duty that is when his sister walked into his room and saw him hanging.

His brother went on to the military to the bloodiest part of Iraq.
However, his brother in Iraq got blown up sacrificing himself to save his troops.

The family considered the son who gotten blown up was a martyr and was a Hero for all time.
The family considered the son who had mental illness and had killed himself was not even given a funeral, nor even a headstone. They figured him to be too weak. 

This can either be another chapter in our book, or this moment itself can be the book roughly in that range. We need to support our troops with mental illness with honor, dignity and respect!We do not need another Suicide or even a murder to occur! 

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